Today getting a job can seem to be such a project that it needs an entire marketing department to support yourself. You need someone to remind you, who you are what you are capable of and advertise for it! Product, place, promotion and price make up the 4 P’s process.
I am the product. I have qualities, features or qualifications, options, a style of doing things and even services and warranties. I am good for a certain amount of time, and plan on working at the company for long-term or short-term. The creative aspect behind this is incredible. To package yourself, with the proper resume, application, look, and presentation, is difficult to make you the ideal product or candidate.
Second is place. Where is the job located, can I get there in a reasonable manner, am I willing to move if necessary, is the job worth relocating for. Will I drive, walk, take public transportation; are there more than one locations to work? These are questions I have to ask myself throughout the process, what is practical for me.
Promotion. I have to be my own public relations personnel. Selling myself does not sound legitimate, or even legal, yet it is what I have to do in that next big interview. Not only do I have to keep communication channels open and constantly contact the human resource department for that perfect job, I have to do it in a professional manor. Just like promoting my next radio show, through the persona I create or an announcement on the campus website, I have to put my name out there, show I am right and available for your job.
Finally, Price. How much do I cost? You ask that with a grin. My wage needs to make living life possible, paying off school loans, living in an apartment in the right neighborhood to get to work, and dressing to impress. I have a price that is practical. Within the price, there are benefits, if I sell your product, will I benefit? Also, is the pay regular?
Throughout every step within this marketing mix, costs are key. How much can I spend to get to you mentally and physically, and will you be able to cover these costs. Can you keep this relationship going, just like Duracell advertises for their batteries and will I continue to be an asset? Whoever has the time, it is a full time job to get a full time job, wish me luck. How can I manage to go about this intense job search, while my college career is coming closer to an end?